Constructed as a Works Progress Administration urban renewal project in the late 1930s, Woodhill Homes was ahead of its time and adorned with historical public art pieces celebrated by the community. But as Woodhill Homes became worn through the years, the neighborhood around it experienced decades of disinvestment and abandonment. Today, the large concentration of severely distressed public housing with an antiquated superblock street design has created persistent challenges experienced daily by Woodhill Homes’ residents. Their severely distressed conditions, out-of-context density, obsolete design, and inaccessibility for those with mobility challenges warrant their demolition and replacement. Deteriorating housing, interminable crime, and barriers (social, economic, and physical) create an undeniable sense of isolation. Residents have emphasized these struggles through their stories and input. 

Woodhill Homes History

Though isolated, Woodhill Homes is located less than two miles south of University Circle, home to world-renowned anchor institutions such as the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, and Case Western Reserve University. Building on the strength of the surrounding neighborhoods, the City of Cleveland began to invest heavily in the Buckeye-Woodhill neighborhood. With a goal of generating momentum while honoring the legacy and desires of longstanding community residents, local stakeholders planned for comprehensive neighborhood transformation. With the award of a Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant in 2018, the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority engaged 800 participants in a comprehensive neighborhood planning process to plan for coordinated and catalytic investments in the Buckeye-Woodhill neighborhood. The resulting WoodhillUpNext Transformation Plan addresses the Buckeye-Woodhill neighborhood’s isolation while seamlessly integrating housing, people, and neighborhood strategies. The new housing will transform the Woodhill Homes site and surrounding neighborhood into a place designed to uplift and support its residents.


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